Going on vacation can be quite stressful and money is usually at least part of the reason. When you can save some cash easily, you have to take advantage of such opportunities. Saving money on hotel rooms is a great example of this rule of thumb. There are several easy ways to get a good deal on a comfortable hotel room. Use these quick and easy tips to find an affordable room that lets you feel at home while on the road.
How to Save Money on Hotel Rooms
Pay In Advance
Many hotels offer a discounted rate to guests who book their stays in advance and pay for the room charge at the time of booking. Typically, pre-paying means that your stay is non-refundable. This is because the hotels want to ensure their rooms will be full on any given night. If you are absolutely sure you will be traveling, prepayment is a way to save on your stay.
Talk Directly to the Front Desk
If you are polite and understand industry lingo, you can get a better deal by talking directly to the hotel’s front desk clerk. Ask for the cheapest available non-refundable room to get a deal when booking in advance. If you are looking for a complimentary or discounted room upgrade when you arrive at your hotel, let the people behind you in line check in first. Front desk clerks are hesitant to offer you a discount if people around you can hear that you are getting a deal they aren’t.
Use a Price Comparison Website
Travel websites compare prices from area hotels to give you the best available rate. These sites are also handy because they give you pictures and reviews of each location and its accommodations. If you see a great deal for one hotel but prefer to stay at another, feel free to call your desired hotel and negotiate. During slow travel seasons, hotels will often price match their competitors to ensure their rooms don’t go unused.
Take a Last-Minute Trip
Hotels often end up with unbooked rooms, which can be a major benefit to you. Same-day bookings are perfect for getting out of the house for a night. You can often find last-minute deals on four-star and five-star hotels, giving you a luxury stay for a bargain price. Other online sites let you book a hotel stay a day or two in advance, which gives you the time you need to make last-minute travel plans. Stay flexible and be on alert for these deals so you can travel at a moment’s notice.
Use Online Deal Sites
Online deal sites, such as Groupon, offer resort and hotel packages at a fraction of the regular cost. You will have to travel at the times designated for these deals. You’ll also have to choose one of the pre-selected vacation destinations. If you are willing to take a vacation during the off-season, you can get a great deal on luxury accommodations for your next vacation.
Traveling on a budget doesn’t mean you have to settle for motel rooms and dingy hotels. Saving money on hotel rooms is easy if you know a few tricks to get the very best deals out there for savvy travelers.
Visit AHappyTraveler.com, the best travel website, to find more deals on your next hotel room and vacation.
I want to check rooms for October and November but can’t go ahead on the months